Top Certifications

Vendor | Certification | Rank |
CompTIA | CompTIA Security+ | 1 |
Cisco | CCNP Enterprise | 2 |
Cisco | CCNA | 3 |
CompTIA | CompTIA A+ | 4 |
Cisco | CCIE Enterprise Wireless | 5 |
Amazon | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner | 6 |
CompTIA | CompTIA Network+ | 7 |
CompTIA | CASP | 8 |
Fortinet | NSE4 | 9 |
PMI | PMP | 10 |
Top Exams

Vendor | Exam | Rank | Vendor | Exam | Rank |
CompTIA | SY0-601 | 1 | Microsoft | AZ-104 | 2 |
Microsoft | AZ-900 | 3 | Cisco | 200-301 | 4 |
Cisco | 350-401 | 5 | Amazon | AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C02 | 6 |
Amazon | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner | 7 | Microsoft | AZ-305 | 8 |
CompTIA | 220-1001 | 9 | CompTIA | 220-1002 | 10 |
CompTIA | N10-008 | 11 | CompTIA | CAS-004 | 12 |
Fortinet | NSE4_FGT-7.0 | 13 | Microsoft | MS-100 | 14 |
CompTIA | CS0-002 | 15 | Microsoft | AZ-204 | 16 |
VMware | 2V0-21.20 | 17 | Microsoft | AZ-500 | 18 |
Microsoft | MS-700 | 19 | PMI | PMP | 20 |

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